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Developed over years, building our fundament

Our competences and services at a glance

i-tec Business Consulting focuses on the sustainable improvement of the profit situation and the increase of the company value in its customer projects.  Our employees have decades of experience and comprehensive competencies in the fields of analytics, business field development as well as process optimisation. Clients like to draw on our cross-industry experience, which allows us to bring new approaches and innovative solutions to projects.

In addition, our customers particularly appreciate the very trusting and cooperative partnership

Developing Business Model and Portfolio

The business model and the portfolio form the basis for the current as well as the future success of a company.


Our goal is to work with the client to develop future proof digital or hybrid business models based on a sustainable strategy. The focus is on the involvement of the employees. Because business success can only be ensured with motivated and convinced employees.


Every development of a portfolio or business model is thought of holistically. An “as-is” assessment, solution development and its impact play an equally important role as looking at the market dynamics and the ECO SYSTEM in which the company finds itself. In this way, we ensure that the project does not just have a short-term effect, but achieves sustainable and future-proof success for the company. 

For the project implementation, we use proven as well as modern innovative tools and methods (customer journey, GAP analyses, value benefit analyses, strategic & operational fit assessment, CANVAS, scenario models, simulation).

Scenario analysis using simulations is particularly important to us. It enables our clients to assess different solution approaches in detail and to select the most suitable approach for their company using the “Strategic and Operative Fit Methodology”.  

In every project, we place a special focus on the early involvement of management and staff in a flat project hierarchy.


Based on the project objectives, our clients receive, in addition to comprehensive documentation, calculated investment ROI and business case considerations as well as concrete implementation recommendations. In addition, we are available for program, interim and project management, from implementation to piloting and handover to regular operation.

Our services:

  • Workshop to identify “Quick Win” potentials
  • Business Strategy Development
  • Business model analysis and evaluation
  • Determine maturity level of digitalisation (horizontal / vertical)
  • Portfolio development
  • Creation of business plans

Designing Lean Operations

Companies with lean, horizontal and vertical value chains are better able to react quickly and agilely to changing customer and market requirements than companies with traditional structures. This is independent of industry and company size.


Our goal is to optimise company processes and interfaces within the eco-system and the value chain within the framework of the project order and in close coordination with our customers in such a way that significant increases in efficiency can be achieved, customer satisfaction increased and quality improved.


Using modern analysis tools and methods, transparency is created over the entire value creation and the eco-system, the project baseline is determined, possible project goals are set, and this is coordinated with all stakeholders.

The following methods are used:

  • Value stream design
  • Data analytics
  • Process mining
  • Process mapping and solution design
  • Cost / benefit analysis
  • Simulation

It is particularly important to define the delivery and performance promise for the standard of the value chain with all stakeholders in a first step. From this, the goals for Lean Operations are derived. With our toolbox, we develop various alternative solutions including feasibility scenarios and potential calculations.

After defining the final implementation scenarios, project plans are developed, project teams are assembled and the roll-out is planned. The piloting and the knowledge gained from it form the basis for a successful implementation.

By establishing a “lean culture”, the organisation is enabled to quickly adapt to changes in requirements and proactively solve the challenges that arise.


With a successfully completed project, our clients are able to sustainably reduce costs, increase volume and speed, and improve the company’s environmental footprint. Depending on the goal of the project, measures have been established, processes documented and management tools introduced for control.

Our services:

  • Workshop to identify “Quick Win” potential
  • Data analytics and process mining
  • Baseline setting and identification of saving potential
  • Process mapping with solution design – SOPs (Standard Operating Processes)
    with evaluation models
  • Digital solutions with modern technologies such as IOT / BI / 5G
  • Piloting and implementation support
  • Supply chain strategy

Building Smart Services

“Smart services are a combination of physical and digital value-added services based on smart products. They combine physical and digital services to create new, intelligent products and digitally enhanced business models.

The business and economic potential of such services is enormous and will essentially determine the future success of the company.

Those who want to successfully introduce, use and offer “smart services” must digitalise their business processes.


Our goal is to quickly create success and added value for our clients.

Many companies still rely on traditional, thorough Smart Service development from start to finish. Only after final evaluation and maturation of prototypes are these presented to the customer.

Our approach is different. The aim is to map the pure core functionalities of a new service in order to quickly create added value in solving the customer’s problem, to gather relevant feedback, and thus to accelerate further development.

Focusing on the essential core functionalities enables a short development time and early market entry. With this approach, initial market experience can be gained and adjustments made in the early development phase. This ensures the sustainable market success of the “Smart Services”.


Our approach comprises 2 levels:

  • the strategic and planning level
  • the development and implementation level

At the strategic and planning level, there are five key phases:

  1. strategic orientation
  2. planning the smart service portfolio
  3. planning the business architecture
  4. the design of the smart service organisation
  5. the conception of the “Smart Service” strategy

In addition to a comprehensive analysis, special attention is paid to the development of the customer benefit (external = customer-oriented, internal = own company).

At the development and implementation level, we work with co-creation partners who ensure rapid development in order to test market acceptance and customer added value very quickly with an initial Minimal Viable Product (MVP).


Based on the project goals, our clients receive comprehensive documentation, calculated investment, ROI and business case considerations, concrete implementation recommendations and/or developed MVPs. In addition, we support the implementation as well as the piloting until the handover into regular operation in the context of programme, interim and project management.

Our services:

  • Smart Services” workshop with “Quick Win” determination
  • Determining the maturity level of digitalisation (horizontal / vertical)
  • Smart Services strategy development
  • Smart Services portfolio development
  • Development of digital processes along the value chain (vertical and horizontal)
  • Develop MVPs in cooperation with partners

Implementing programs and projects

Agile project management enables short reaction times and flexible action in a dynamic, permanently changing environment.  The key to success lies in open, cross-hierarchical communication and involvement of all relevant stakeholders from day one.


Our highest goal in managing projects and programmes is to achieve the objectives while adhering to the defined time, cost and quality frameworks, and furthermore to establish an open culture of cooperation across all hierarchical levels.


The basis is a clearly defined project mandate with a governance model that is agreed upon and accepted by all stakeholders.

Depending on the scope of the project, the following aspects in particular must be considered:

  • The time frames
  • The size
  • The complexity

Based on this, the appropriate method, classic, agile or hybrid model, is selected and applied.

The foundation for the project’s success is the active involvement of all project members (“One Team”) with open and situationally adapted communication rules.  The common understanding of the project goals is the basis for the goal-oriented fulfilment of the work packages.

For successful management, we attach great importance to transparency on deadlines, costs, quality and risks at all times. Proactive action at all management levels, continuous risk assessment in terms of adherence to deadlines, costs and feasibility determine our daily work.


Clear target tracking through continuous monitoring and timely response to deviations ensure success. Data-based information enables fact-based decisions and supports open communication. A clear path to project success.

Our services:

  • Creation of project specifications and governance structures
  • Coordination, involvement and agreement with all stakeholders at all management levels
  • Leadership and support for systemic challenges
  • Continuous monitoring and problem solving of all bottlenecks
  • Motivation and leadership of teams
  • Interim implementation

Start-up support and coaching

The innovative strength and the team of a start-up influence the market success and the possibilities of financing.


We support young companies in developing sustainable growth areas with a sound business plan, a medium-term company evaluation and a review of your process model. The goal is to convince financially strong investors and secure medium-term financing.


The approach depends on the development phase of the company, whether it is still in the seed phase or has already reached the growth phase.

We start in initial discussions with a 360-degree feedback on the current situation and a first assessment of the business model. The value proposition is in the foreground. Which trends are served with which solutions / products and which use cases are derived from this for the target groups. What is the differentiation from competitors and what added value (USPs) does the company have?

The focus is on the classic understanding and derivation of the “What’s in for me” from the perspective of the target customers. We transfer the customer benefits into a calculation model in order to evaluate the offer, the costs of creation, the sales and operation model as well as all other activities and to understand the dependencies.

We develop scenarios that map the use cases with defined parameters and compile them into a holistic company picture. The results flow into investor and client meetings in the form of presentations.

We attach great importance to an agile approach and the continuous incorporation of customer experiences.


Our clients receive an evaluation of their current business model, financing models with growth scenarios and support in client and investor meetings. We prepare pitch documents, represent the interests of the startup and establish contacts with potential customers as well as investors.

Our services:

  • „Quick scan” of the business model
  • Coaching Workshop
  • Due Diligence Light
  • Scenario models for profit & loss / cash flow
  • Company valuation model
  • Investor and pitch presentations

M&A Support

Every transaction is specific and has its own objectives. Interdependent factors determine the course of a company acquisition.


We support our clients in financial due diligence and offer a holistic company valuation. We focus on the evaluation of opportunity and risk potentials, which we consider with scenarios. In the context of company acquisitions, we take over the management of post-merger integrations.


Based on a checklist, we create an overview of the basic topics of a company, the economic fundamentals such as market, products, competition, sales, personnel, organisation, the data from finance and accounting, IT up to corporate planning. We transfer the data and information derived from this into a valuation model and summarise the results in a company valuation.

We evaluate synergies in the form of possible scenarios and integrate these into the company valuation for a purchase price determination. We determine a range for a company value and derive a possible purchase price from this. Further findings from the due diligence, following various discussions with the parties involved from personnel, technology, legal and tax, are incorporated into the valuation.

In the context of a post-merger integration, we draw up an action list to manage the transaction and secure the existing business base.

The implementation of the business management model and objectives is translated into task modules and set up and implemented in the form of a programme management. The orientation of the company is shaped with the revision of the business model and a possible strategic repositioning. The management structure, for a transitional phase as well as for the future set-up, is to be aligned with the strategy and the business model. All goals and results are incorporated into a “Full Potential Plan”.


Our clients receive a due diligence report with a profit and loss calculation and an overview of the synergies of the transaction. The results flow into a valuation model for the company value, which we determine and present using the DCF methodology. We develop scenarios with a base, real and best-case model.

Within the framework of a PMI project, we manage the integration as a programme and actively steer the individual task areas. We shape the process on both the strategic and operational side and support management in developing the future set-up and direction.

Our services:

  • Financial due diligence
  • Company valuation with DCF method
  • Valuation report
  • Post Merger Integration
    • Management of the transaction
    • Protection of the existing business base
    • Development of the business ratio
    • Business model for post integration
    • Governance structure
    • Full Potential Plan